
What our service users have to say


“Meta fethet Dar il-Kaptan, pruvajna nibdew naghmlu uzu minnha, anke minhabba il- fatt li xi darba fil-futur kienet se tkun sitwazzjoni li bla ma rridu, riedna naffacjaw. Nammetti li ghall-ewwel kienet difficli ghalih u ghalina lkoll. Imma llum il-gurnata ma jiddispjacinix, ghax Keith illum jistenna il-gurnata li jmur, anke ghal diversi illjieli. Dar il-Kaptan hija it-tieni dar ta Keith. Grazzi mill-qalb. ”


“It-tifel taghna Christopher issa ilu ghal diversi snin jattendi Dar il-Kaptan min zmien ghal zmien. Tul dan iz-zmien aktar sirna konxji ta’ kemm l-istaff u d-dirigenti ta’ Dar il-Kaptan jiehdu hsieb u jaghtu l-kura kollha mehtiega lir-residenti. Min qalbna nirringrazzjawhom ta’ tant xoghol siewi li jaghmlu mat-tfal taghna b’hafna mhabba u dedikazzjoni. ”

Charles & Joyce

“Victoria Is our most precious treasure. We trust Dar il-Kaptan with the responsibility of keeping her in our stead, with peace of mind. ”

Victoria`s Mum & Dad

“We love Kevin to bits, and he is sooo precious to us, but our minds are at ease when we send him to Dar il -kaptan for respite. It is comforting to know that whilst I’m having a break, Kevin is very well looked after by all the dedicated staff. We are most appreciative of the care that is provided. ”


“Dar il-Kaptan is not a place, it is a great experience, It is happiness for my sister and for instance, myself. Being from another country, I am amazed for what Dar il-Kaptan is offering us. Every single person in Dar il-Kaptan makes the difference in my sister's day to day. They are caring and loving and I have for the first time, the peace of mind that she is in the best hands!!! Thank-you Dar il-Kaptan. ”


“Jeremy's experience staying for some weekends at Dar il-Kaptan is enriching. Not only is he making new friends and socialising but also learning how to live independently. ”


“As parents of a son with disability, Dar il-Kaptan is a godsend because it offers us respite from our daily chores, plus it gives our teenage son a complete different environment to the one he is used to at home. Using the services of Dar il-Kaptan gives our son Stuart more chance to interact with different people outside his immediate family circle which will be of great benefit to him in the future. ”


“Ghalija Dar il-Kaptan hija it tieni dar tieghi fejn it tifel jiehu gost u nkun mohhi mistrieh u jien inkun nista inkompli mal kumplament tal-familja u jkolli naqra hin ta mistrieh ghalija. Grazzi Dar il-Kaptan. ”
