Dar il-Kaptan, the Foundation for Respite Care Services, is the Maltese recipient of the 2016 European Citizen’s Prize.
Dar il-Kaptan was awarded the 2016 European Citizen’s Award following its nomination by Maltese Euro MPs.
Dar il-Kaptan wins the Dun Mikiel Azzopardi Award 2016 in recognition and appreciation of the respite work and commitment towards the community.
F’għeluq il-25 sena mit-twaqqif tagħha, Dar il-Kaptan ġiet ippreżentata bil-Premju tal-Parlament Ewropew għaċ-Ċittadin 2016.
Il-Ħidma ta’ Dar il-Kaptan Ġiet rikonoxxuta permezz tal-Premju Dun Mikiel Azzopardi 2016